Featured Clocks
View the first series in our virtual collection of historical clocks featuring nearly two centuries of artistic and technical achievements by Mennonite clockmakers.
Photographs that include details of the clock interiors illustrate the fine inner workings of these treasured heirlooms.
Clock Stories
Explore the history of these exquisite clocks. Learn about their meticulous craftsmanship and their treasured place in the hearts and homes of their makers and owners.
Share your Story
If you have a story about a Mennonite clock, get in touch! The Kroeger Clocks Heritage Foundation has developed this website to present a virtual collection of historical clocks made by Mennonite clockmakers, such as Kroeger, Mandtler, Hildebrand, Lepp, or Hamm.
We are hereby extending an invitation to all who possess a Mennonite clock or know of one to contribute their information to help us create as expansive and inclusive a digital collection as possible.